Change isn’t always improvement and New Features aren’t always welcomed by users. Same is the story with New Facebook Sidebar Chat. Users haven’t liked it much for a simple reason that it’s messy. It’s a free service and you don’t have an option to switch to good old Facebook Chat officially. So, here’s how can you get rid of new Facebook Sidebar chat and get back to old Facebook Chat.
Disliking of people is obvious owing to following reasons: Doesn’t have Scroll bar to see all friends who are online at the moment. I agree there is a Search box to find friend to chat with but it isn’t always the case. Sometimes, you decide whom to chat with according to choice of availability of persons.Unnecessarily, Offline Users are shown on top instead of Online.
However, it is possible to get back old facebook chat using userscript which we have used in most browser hacks to customize the webpage and present in different way than original.
Facebook Sidebar Chat Reversion is name of userscript compatible with all modern web browsers which when installed reverts back to the old facebook Chat.
Developer has just tried to imitate old Facebook chat appearance which also features scroll bar and lies in right bottom of page. Work is appreciable and at the moment, we don’t have an alternative.
I tried it personally and didn’t found any bug as such but you can report to author if any.
How to install Old Facebook Chat UserScript?
Go to and click on Green button saying “Install”.
For Firefox users, you must have GreaseMonkey addon installed to install this.
For Internet Explorer users, you must have Trixie addon installed to install this.
For Safari users, you must have Greasekit addon installed to install this.
If still it does not work then enable your extension from tools menu. (optional)
For Opera users, download script from this page. At the end of the file name use ‘.user.js’ and open with opera browser.
For Google Chrome however, it is installed directly and activates automatically on opening
For Internet Explorer users, you must have Trixie addon installed to install this.
For Safari users, you must have Greasekit addon installed to install this.
If still it does not work then enable your extension from tools menu. (optional)
For Opera users, download script from this page. At the end of the file name use ‘.user.js’ and open with opera browser.
For Google Chrome however, it is installed directly and activates automatically on opening
Note: This Hack doesn’t activate Old Facebook Chat for your Account but only when you access Facebook from the browser where script is installed.
i have tried lots of things to get rid of the new chat and this is the only one that works =)
It does..Share it with those in need :)
thanks nb :) a new facebook chat