A funny story is sweeping the internet. Samsung paid $1.05 billion to Apple by sending 30 trucks containing five-cent coins.
According to PaperBlog, the trucks were sent to Apple's main office in California. Initially, the security of the company prevented the intrusion. However, Apple CEO Tim Cook received a call from the chief executive of Samsung that they have sent the payment for the fine ruled by the jury in the recently concluded patent battle of the two tech giants.

This may present an idea to Samsung since the jury did not specify a single payment method, so Samsung is entitled to send him to the creators of the iPhone its billion dollars as they deem best.
Apple was awarded over $1 billion in damages after a US jury decided that Samsung had copied critical features of the iPhone and iPad. This verdict could lead to an outright ban on sales of key Samsung products.
Following their win on the controversial patent trial, tech giant Apple is seeking bans on eight smartphones from Samsung. Apple wasted no time in their attempt to hinder the sales of the eight older model phones of its rival including the Galaxy S II and Droid Charge.
While Apple's lawsuit cited 28 devices, many of those accused products are no longer widely available in the world's largest mobile market.
Although Samsung's flagship Galaxy S III phone was not included in the trial, the jury validated Apple's patents on features and design elements that the United States company could then try to wield against that device.
Winning the court battle only strengthens its position in the market before the much anticipated release of iPhone 5 on September 12. Moreover, this could yield to its dominance in the tech market.